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from the back cover
"Santa Fe is an art mecca. However, in 1994, an exhibition by young
artists from the Santa Fe Boys & Girls Club was censored and removed
from a local mall. An authentic community voice was silenced. From this
incident, Reality from the Barrio was born. Through words and images, we
are given an intimate glimpse into an a seldom seen Santa Fe community.
Reality from the Barrio is an important contribution to the literature of
the region, an eloquent and sensitive examination of Santa Fe's barrios.
This book is an eye-opening look at the pride and dignity these young artists
have in their barrios."
-Miguel Gandert, Fine-Art and
Documentary Photographer
"Reality from the Barrio is a powerful collage of photographs and prose
about life as seen through the eyes of native Santa Fe youth. It is a celebration
of family, culture and community through rites of passage, and the pain
and love of every day living. This book offers a glimpse into the hope and
potential for change that can emerge in communities where marginalized populations
are afforded legitimate means of expression."
- Leslie Alsheimer, Project Director
"Do some of these pictures glorify gangsters? Perhaps. But that,
too, is reality in neighborhoods where gangs represent both escape and
apotheosis in the absence, or at least elusiveness, of other opportunities.
If the images disturb you, if you feel discomfort at the
hostility and anguish in some of the prose, this book will have fulfilled
its mission as a social documentary.
Reality isn't always pretty. But it's all we've got. Look
closely and learn."
-Tamar Stieber, Journalist